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Bump, Birth & Beyond Blog

[Video] Find out how to get rid of internal pelvic pain

Find out:

-how to get rid of internal pelvic pain (aka. pain with intercourse, pelvic exams and using tampons/dive cup)

- why you may be experiencing pelvic pain

- how the pelvic floor is related to pelvic pain

- what exercises are most helpful to resovle this type of pain

Below are the resources we mention in our chat:

1. Lorimer Mosley TedX talk - Why things hurt

2. Flower bloom breath to release pelvic floor tension -

3. Book - Why Pelvic Pain Hurts

4. Pain explained - NOI group

5. Guided meditation to release pelvic floor tension -

To stay up to date on videos and blogs from Holistic Health Physiotherapy - sign up here :









Free Ebook: 3 Common Misconceptions When Preparing Your Pelvic Floor for Birth


Get Your Free Ebook Here

opt in - 3 common misconceptions - ipad.
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1600 Lansdowne St West, Unit 16

Peterborough , Ontario 705-243-4923

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